Users Settings
- Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial (M.I.) - The full name of the user you are setting up.
- Email Address - Enter an email address for the user. The user can use the email address for logging into PayClock Online. This is a required field when setting up a new user.
- Login Name - The user will use this to login to PayClock alternatively to the email address.
- Password - The password for this specific user.
- User Is Active - Checkbox that controls whether this user is able to log in or not.
- User Can Change Password - Checkbox that controls whether the user is allowed to change their own password or not.
- Access Profile - Controls what sections of the software the user has access to. By default there is; Administrator, Supervisor, Limited, and View Only profiles. With the Enterprise version of PayClock Online you can create custom Access Profiles.
- Allow Access To Mobile - Checkbox that controls whether the user is allowed to access PayClock Online via their smartphone or not.
- Allow Access To Billing And Subscription Info - Checkbox that controls whether the user is allowed to access Account Information, Billing Information, and any Subscription Information or not.
- Employee Assignments - Checkbox list that controls what individual employee, whole departments, or locations a user has access to.
- Include Inactive Employees - Checkbox that controls whether inactive employees will show in the Employee Assignments list or not.
- Include Terminated Employees - Checkbox that controls whether terminated employees will show in the Employee Assignments list or not.
Wed 12/05/2018